群勝國際法律事務所的專業國際律師團隊由歐陽弘主持律師領導,擅長於解決跨國爭議與內國訴訟,專精的領域包括公司與商業法律問題、國際貿易與商業仲裁、智慧財產權、白領犯罪刑事辯護等,亞洲法律概況 (Asialaw Profiles) 更推薦群勝國際法律事務所多個專業領域。群勝國際法律事務所的國際律師團隊長期以來致力於提供給客戶正確、有效的法律意見與高品質的法律服務,解決客戶所面臨的複雜跨國法律爭議,並且能及時提供客戶有關台灣、美國紐約州、中國、澳洲等法域的專業意見。群勝國際法律事務所的成就已連年獲得國際律所評鑑機構 The Legal 500 與 Asialaw Profiles 的推薦,為群勝國際法律事務所的榮耀。Corporate INTL亦評選群勝國際法律事務所為台灣2017年最佳跨國訴訟事務所。
群勝國際法律事務所於2017年經理格斯國際法律聯盟 (LEGUS)遴選成為台灣的獨家成員,更進一步強化群勝國際法律事務所處理跨國爭議的項目與品質。理格思國際法律聯盟成立於西元1995年,著重於跨國商業交易與訴訟,目前在全球共有2,500名國際律師協同合作。國際律所評鑑機構錢伯斯(Chambers)評鑑理格思國際法律聯盟為國際間領導聯盟的前15名。
Brain Trust International Law Firm
Brain Trust International Law Firm (“Brain Trust”) is an international law firm located in Taipei, Taiwan and comprised of highly educated and experienced Taiwan lawyers and international lawyers from a variety of backgrounds. Brain Trust’s legal team is led by Hung Ou Yang, well versed in transnational disputes and domestic litigation, including but not limited to corporate disputes, international trade & arbitration, intellectual properties, and white collar crime defence. The Legal 500 ranks Brain Trust as a top Taiwan law firm of Tier 2 in 2018 & 2019, Asialaw Profiles recommends Brain Trust’s practices in multiple areas, and Corporate INTL awarded Brain Trust the Transnational Disputes Law Firm of the Year 2017.
Brain Trust’s international lawyer team can deal with transnational disputes in relation to Taiwan laws, China laws, US laws, and Australia laws. For better quality services, Brain Trust has already joined LEGUS, a leading international law firm networking for transnational dispute.
Brain Trust values not only the learned consideration of experienced professionals; at the same time, we emphasize the ultimate satisfaction of our clients. Our lawyers invest considerable time and effort into every case we take, and we value the participation of our clients. To ensure that our clients receive the service they deserve, our firm emphasizes that Taiwanese laws and international laws governing corporate liability are changing. Top multinational corporations understand that these continuous changes are both important and create hard-to-manage complexities. Brain Trust’s Taiwan lawyers and international lawyers have long been devoted to tracking and analyzing these changes in order to provide the very best service to our clients.